Het verhaal gaat over een tienerjongen die toevallig een shougi-meester is. Op een dag komt er een negenjarig meisje bij hem thuis met het verzoek om als zijn discipel te worden genomen. Van daaruit volgen allerlei gekke grappen.
Writing | 志茂文彦 | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | 矢野茜 | Character Designer |
Directing | 柳伸亮 | Series Director |
Art | しらび | Original Series Design |
Sound | 本山哲 | Sound Director |
Camera | 川田哲矢 | Director of Photography |
Sound | Machico | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | 伊藤美来 | Theme Song Performance |
Art | 里見篤 | Art Direction |
Sound | 川井憲次 | Original Music Composer |
Writing | 白鳥士郎 | Novel |
Writing | Yuriko Mori | Lyricist |
Writing | 金子麻友美 | Lyricist |
Art | 北山景子 | Prop Designer |
Sound | Shuji Imai | Sound Mixer |
Sound | 今沢尚樹 | Sound Assistant |
Sound | 上野励 | Sound Effects |
Crew | 石原智美 | Special Effects |
Sound | 穴井健太郎 | Music Producer |
Sound | Takagi Hanae | Foley |
Production | 天野大地 | Associate Producer |
Production | 長瀬奈津子 | Associate Producer |
Production | 深尾聡志 | Associate Producer |
Production | 石川義洋 | Associate Producer |
Art | 이수현 | Assistant Director of Photography |
Production | 飯塚彩 | Producer |
Production | 小澤文啓 | Producer |
Production | Fumikazu Sato | Producer |
Production | 山崎史紀 | Producer |
Production | 大森慎司 | Producer |
Production | 塩谷佳之 | Producer |