In een weddenschap om te bewijzen of geesten of buitenaardse wezens bestaan, worden twee middelbare scholieren geconfronteerd met angstaanjagende paranormale bedreigingen, krijgen ze superkrachten en worden ze misschien zelfs verliefd?!
Writing | Hiroshi Seko | Series Composition |
Sound | 八十正太 | Sound Effects |
Sound | 太田泰明 | Sound Mixer |
Production | 前田俊博 | Executive Producer |
Production | 林辰朗 | Executive Producer |
Production | 嵯峨隼人 | Executive Producer |
Production | 亀井博司 | Producer |
Production | 青井宏之 | Producer |
Production | 崎田康平 | Producer |
Production | 斉藤壮一郎 | Producer |
Production | 武藤大司 | Producer |
Production | 石川達也 | Producer |
Production | 山守貴子 | Producer |
Production | 真壁佳子 | Producer |
Editing | 榎田美咲 | Assistant Editor |
Editing | 柴田香澄 | Online Editor |
Editing | 中村怜央 | Online Editor |
Sound | 濱本拓海 | Foley Artist |
Visual Effects | Abel Góngora | Opening/Ending Animation |
Directing | モコちゃん | Assistant Director |
Art | 田村せいき | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | 恩田尚之 | Character Designer |
Sound | 牛尾憲輔 | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | 亀田祥倫 | Creature Design |
Visual Effects | 橋本賢 | Color Designer |
Art | 東潤一 | Art Direction |
Camera | 出水田和人 | Director of Photography |
Editing | 廣瀬清志 | Editor |
Sound | 木村絵理子 | Sound Director |
Writing | 龍幸伸 | Original Concept |
Sound | DJ松永 | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | R-指定 | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | ずっと真夜中でいいのに | Theme Song Performance |
Production | 新居祐介 | Executive Producer |
Production | 岩上敦宏 | Executive Producer |
Production | 佐藤龍伸 | Executive Producer |
Production | 瓶子吉久 | Executive Producer |
Production | 최은영 | Executive Producer |
Production | 柴田三穂子 | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | 近藤牧穂 | Color Designer |
Directing | 山代風我 | Series Director |