Wanneer de luie, erotische game minnende Mahiro Oyama door de experimenten van zijn jongere zus, een wetenschapper, in een meisje wordt veranderd, is hij vastbesloten om terug te veranderen, maar hij beseft dat hij met zijn nieuwe kans misschien zijn leven wil veranderen.
Writing | 横手美智子 | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | 今村亮 | Character Designer |
Directing | Shingo Fujii | Series Director |
Sound | 桶狭間ありさ | Original Music Composer |
Sound | 阿知波大輔 | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | 土居真紀子 | Color Designer |
Art | Masayo Kobayashi | Art Direction |
Sound | 吉田光平 | Sound Director |
Sound | えなこ | Theme Song Performance |
Editing | 岡祐司 | Editor |
Sound | 石原夏織 | Theme Song Performance |
Camera | 伏原あかね | Director of Photography |
Sound | 金元寿子 | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | 高野麻里佳 | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | 長谷川卓也 | Sound Effects |
Sound | P丸様。 | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Minami Tsuda | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Sosuke Asano | Executive Producer |
Production | 金子広孝 | Executive Producer |
Crew | 継岡夢月 | Special Effects |
Production | 山中一孝 | Executive Producer |
Production | 大澤信博 | Executive Producer |
Production | 大田圭二 | Executive Producer |
Production | 福井詔雄 | Executive Producer |
Production | 山崎明日香 | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | みとん | Lead Animator |
Production | 菱山光輝 | Producer |
Visual Effects | 松隈勇樹 | Lead Animator |
Production | 田﨑勝也 | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | 内山玄基 | Lead Animator |
Sound | 小林健樹 | Music Producer |
Sound | 藤田直美 | Sound Mixer |
Production | Katsuyuki Imai | Executive Producer |
Production | 武井克弘 | Executive Producer |
Production | 大熊一成 | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Kay Yu | Lead Animator |
Art | 井上洋志 | Assistant Director of Photography |
Production | 山崎史紀 | Executive Producer |
Production | 高橋敦司 | Executive Producer |
Production | 畠山拓郎 | Producer |
Production | 高橋竜 | Executive Producer |
Art | 新妻雅行 | Art Designer |
Crew | Nekotoufu | Creator |